2023 in figures

Annual report 2023



In Belgium, the coverage of fixed 1 Gbps networks reached 78% by the end of 2023, which is better than the European average. These results are quickly improving, given the acceleration of the deployment of optical fibre.

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The BIPT invested in modernising its radio spectrum monitoring network by replacing the mast of the monitoring station in Ophain. The seven fixed monitoring stations of the BIPT have the most modern equipment to continuously monitor the spectrum in order to limit the risk of interference and respond quickly in case of interference.

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On the postal market, the number of letter post items decreased by 7.9% in one year and is now below 100 items per capita per year. For the first time since 2010, the number of express items and parcels has not increased, and has even slightly decreased (-0.6%) in one year. Per capita, a parcel is now sent on average about every 11 days.

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