Scarce resources

Annual report 2023

The BIPT assigns frequency bands to operators in order to distribute the radio spectrum in an optimal manner. Operators thus obtain rights of use to provide mobile products to the end-user.

Following the multi-band auction of 2022, operators continued the deployment of 5G networks in Belgium. Furthermore, the BIPT participated in the granting of subsidies within the framework of the 5G and 5G Rail pilot projects, both in terms of preparing the calls for projects and evaluating the projects submitted.

In the 3.6 GHz band, a 20 MHz band was still available. In 2023, the BIPT published a call for candidates regarding this 3410-3430 MHz band but received no applications.

The BIPT adopted a decision granting ASTRID, for a period of 20 years, an authorisation for the operation of a trunk network in the 700 MHz band for public protection and disaster relief communications.

The BIPT participated as head of the Belgian delegation in the World Radiocommunication Conference WRC 2023 (Dubai, 20 November 2023 – 15 December 2023).

As the authority managing the numbering plan, the BIPT ensures that numbers, which are a finite resource, are used efficiently. The Institute also ensures the operational management of numbering requests.

In 2023, the BIPT issued various technical provisions on the use of radio equipment. Within the framework of technology neutrality, several decisions were also taken to use different technologies in parallel on certain frequency bands.

As the BIPT is responsible for monitoring the spectrum, it also carried out preventive checks and checks during major events, and resolved harmful interference cases in 2023.

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