Annual report 2023

The BIPT is the federal regulatory body responsible for regulating the electronic communications market, the postal market, the electromagnetic spectrum of radio frequencies and the radio and television broadcasting in the Brussels-Capital Region. The BIPT is also intensely involved in the transposition or implementation of the new European digital regulation. Already designated as the competent authority for certain matters relating to the digital sector, the Institute is preparing to assume responsibility for any new tasks that may be assigned to it.

The BIPT provides essential input when strategic decisions are taken in its areas of competence. It contributes to the preparation of regulations in the regulated sectors and the digital sector. The BIPT also shares its expertise with the Chamber of Representatives for which it delivers opinions, such as the one in 2023 on a draft resolution on the protection of young children from inappropriate online content. The Institute also works with many national, European and international institutional partners to contribute to the preparation and implementation of a wide range of legislative initiatives. In 2023, the BIPT prepared the Belgian presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2024 as a technical expert regarding matters related to electronic communications and postal services.

The BIPT does not only exercise its competences at the national level; it also ensures the preservation of the interests of the Belgian postal and telecommunications sectors by actively participating in various international bodies, such as BEREC, the ERGP, the CERP, the ITU and the UPU.

The BIPT verifies compliance with the legal provisions protecting users, such as the provisions facilitating the switch between operators (the Easy Switch procedure). The BIPT also ensures that users get relevant, accurate and updated information on the various services, their prices as well as new technologies and their deployment. The BIPT provides useful tools to users to help them in their decision-making process, such as the tariff simulator, the data portal and the website The BIPT publishes videos on its YouTube channel and runs information websites regarding 5G (about 5G) and optical fibre ( The BIPT also runs targeted information campaigns and takes part in trade fairs and conferences in its areas of expertise. Within the framework of the NISDUC project, the BIPT organised the second conference on the NIS Directive in Brussels in April 2023. This edition gathered more than 240 participants from 24 countries over the two days.

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