
Rapport annuel 2023

The BIPT provides users with tools enabling them to make an informed choice.
Our tariff simulator helps users (consumers, SME’s and self-employed) to calculate either automatically or manually the tariff that is the most suited to their needs.

On the BIPT’s data portal, maps showing the coverage of fixed and mobile networks enable users to check the coverage of a particular network at a given address. Very detailed information is available such as the technology of the service provided, as well as the maximum download and upload speeds. The BIPT also launched an update of the mobile maps to include a 5G map in the short term. presents an overview of all staffed points, letterboxes and parcel lockers in Belgium. In 2023, it was supplemented with a tool to compare basic parcel tariffs.

Best Tariff Data Portal Postal Point

Telecommunications networks are critical infrastructures requiring a high level of security. Operators have started using the platform provided by the BIPT to conduct their risk analyses regarding network security. As a result, the BIPT now has an overall view of the risks of telecommunications networks and can inform the various players in the sector.

Each year, the BIPT inspects critical infrastructure operators in order to remedy any shortcomings identified and, ultimately, to improve the level of safety.

The BIPT also has a duty team, available 24/7, to handle security incidents notified by operators as having a significant impact on their networks and services.

The BIPT also leads the anti-fraud working group within which operators work together on operational (sharing information on fraud cases, fraud notifications…) and structural issues (legislative and regulatory measures).

As every year, an update on the risks associated with a possible electricity switch-off was made.

In order to ensure that radio equipment meets the essential health and safety requirements and does not cause harmful interference, the BIPT carries out regular checks, both at distribution channel level and at national borders.

Via consumer studies regarding electronic communications and postal services, the BIPT followed up the changes in consumer needs and behaviour.

The 2023 survey on the consumers’ perception of the Belgian electronic communications market highlighted the inertia of consumers, showing that following a change in their tariff plan made by their operator, only 2% of the respondents switched to another telecom operator.

In the postal sector, the BIPT issued an opinion on the 2021 and 2022 action plans of bpost within the framework of the customer satisfaction survey of 2021 , in which the BIPT highlights the bad results concerning the opening hours of post offices and the observance of deadlines regarding the national delivery of letters.

The BIPT verifies compliance with the regulatory framework regarding the protection of users of electronic communications, media and postal services. In 2023, the BIPT monitored the operators’ compliance with the new provisions relating to the Easy Switch procedure, which makes it easier to change fixed internet and/or television service providers. As regards the postal sector, the BIPT monitored compliance with the delivery times and bpost’s compliance with the rules regarding tariff increases.

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