Efficient functioning

Annual report 2023

The checks (the first one during the initial application, the next ones every two years) regarding the conditions for the granting of the social tariff for electronic communications have been automated as much as possible.

An analysis of the complaints received can lead to organisational improvements. In 2023, the complaint manager of the BIPT appraised and followed up 13 admissible complaints, over a total of 86 messages received. All agents are committed to keeping these figures as low as possible.

In 2023, the BIPT hired 18 new staff members at different levels and with various profiles. An expansion of the BIPT staff was prepared to be able to carry out the additional tasks for the BIPT in the postal sector from 2024.

Numerous training courses are offered throughout the career of the staff. The staff has also been made aware of the psychosocial aspects within the framework of the welfare policy.

Since 1 May 2023, the BIPT’s personnel files and salary administration are managed by PersoPoint, a section of the FPS Policy and Support. The BIPT’s staff was correctly informed and prepared for this transition.

The BIPT’s staff was made aware of integrity and integrity risks. The implementation of the integrity policy 2021-2023 continued and the BIPT Council received a report.

Read the full PDF version of the report